Advertising Rates
Our standard rates apply to all advertisers whilst members of the Door and Hardware (DHF) are given priority access to any special deals.To consider becoming a member of the DHF take a look at the benefits via this link, alternatively you can apply for a membership application form.
Our Media Pack containing our advertising rates is published online or a PDF copy can be downloaded by using the tools menu at the bottom of the page that opens here.
All information regarding copy close dates, pricing, discounts, payment terms, advert sizes and mechanical data and other services is contained in either of the above documents.
Features and Advertorials
We welcome enquiries regarding us carrying specific content, so to discuss a particular feature, an advertorial or a tailored deal to suit your schedule, please contact us.
Circulation and Distribution
The Door Industry Journal has a combined print and digital circulation currently reaching just under 24,000 readers. The circulation reaches manufacturers, distributors, merchants, architectural ironmongers, locksmiths, architects, specifiers, facilities managers in addition to installers and repairers of garage doors, industrial doors and powered gates.
Editorial Submission
To maintain a varied selection of interesting and relevant content in our publication, we welcome the submission of press releases and high quality images for review and consideration for publication by our editorial team.
Space constraints limit us to publishing only the most relevant content and we always give priority to advertisers.
News articles, in the majority of instances, will be selected for inclusion without charge, but given the high demand for space, we may request a colour separation fee. Articles of a commercial nature are featured in the relevant section at rates according to word count and space required.
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